Free virtual talks to support you on your journey of growth. Get comfy, invite a friend and explore topics that speak to you. Hit RSVP to get the zoom link for the talk you want to join. Looking forward to seeing you.

Come to as many as you like!

*Free talks do not take the place of an actual therapy session and are meant to be educational. Joining a free talk does make you a therapy client. 

  • For the helpers & pleasers

    Monday November 4th 7:00-8:00PM

    For the helpers and the people pleasers

    Do you consider yourself a helper or a people pleaser? Does it feel difficult receiving help or expressing what you want? Explore how self-identified "helpers" and "people pleasers" often put themselves on the back burner and why.

    We will explore themes of:

    People pleasing behaviors as a form of self-protection.

    Fears- Why it's so hard to ask for what you need.

    Intergenerational patterns of self-sacrifice and self-neglect.

    Finding courage to move towards care and fulfillment for yourself.

  • navigating family time at the holidays

    Monday December 2nd 7:00-8:00PM

    Do you feel anxiety or dread as we approach family time during the holidays? This talk is for you!

    If you find that you don't know how to fully feel like yourself when thrown into old family dynamics during the holidays you're not alone.

    We will explore themes of:

    Regression: Why do I feel 17 again around my family?

    Family roles: you slide into your former family role like an old shoe.

    Survival strategies for helping you stay centered in your Self.